Dysport in Port Charlotte, FL

Draw the Line on Wrinkles With Dysport® | Florida Lakes Spa

Shot of provider's gloved hands making an injection to a woman's marked forehead for Dysport in Port Charlotte, FL

Dynamic lines and wrinkles can be truly sneaky. Your repeated facial expressions create them over the years, etching them deeper and wider until one day, looking in the mirror—oh, wow.

Where did all these wrinkles come from?

Roll back the hands of time for skin that looks and feels gorgeous and more youthful with Dysport in Port Charlotte, FL. This advanced injectable stops muscles from making the wrinkles. It smooths and diminishes current lines and wrinkles, and is often used as a preventative by younger women—and men—to slow down their formation in the first place.

Request a consultation at Florida Lakes Spa to see if Dysport is right for you. And read on so that the next time you look in the mirror, you can say, “Oh wow—my skin looks great!”

What Is Dysport?

Dysport is a neuromodulator (also known as a “neurotoxin”) made from a purified strain of botulinum toxin (type A). Botox® may be best known worldwide as the first neurotoxin; however, Dysport is quickly becoming a favorite for its own unique qualities.

When your Florida Lakes Spa professional injector places small, controlled doses of Dysport, it safely and temporarily immobilizes the target muscles that cause dynamic wrinkles. These are the muscles you use throughout your life to laugh, frown, smirk, smile, and all the other ways you visually communicate via facial expressions.

Dysport blocks the signals sent from the brain to those targeted muscles, preventing them from contracting and lines from forming. Our injectors have the training and expertise to use just the right amount so that you still have natural facial expressions—without deepening lines and wrinkles.

The Differences Between Dysport and Botox

Because they’re derived from the same source, you might think they’re exactly the same. However, Dysport and Botox receive different processing during manufacture, and deliver wrinkle- and line-reducing benefits for different areas.


Both Dysport and Botox use a form of botulinum toxin type A, but their formulations differ slightly. Dysport has a smaller molecule with fewer proteins attached to it.


Dysport in Port Charlotte works a bit faster for most of our patients, with results often visible within a couple of days. Botox typically takes about a week to show full results.


Because of the smaller molecules in Dysport, it spreads more quickly over a larger area. This can be beneficial for treating larger areas like the forehead. Botox’s larger molecular size means it spreads more slowly, with a precision that’s more suited for smaller areas.


Dysport units are different from Botox units, so the number of units needed will differ. For example, you might need more units of Dysport compared to Botox for the same treatment area.


Both treatments last about 3 to 4 months. Some of our patients find that Dysport lasts slightly longer.

FDA Approval

Dysport and Botox have both earned FDA approval, but they have been approved for different uses. For instance, Botox is often used for a wider range of medical conditions beyond cosmetic treatments.

Where Dysport Works Best

Because Dysport in Port Charlotte, FL, spreads further than Botox, it’s ideal for larger areas of treatment. Dysport’s FDA approval involves treating moderate-to-severe lines on the forehead, and between the eyes (glabellar lines, or “11s”).

Dysport has off-label benefits, too, and is often used to address:

  • Crow’s feet
  • Lip lines
  • Bunny lines
  • Neck bands
  • TMJ
  • Hyperhidrosis
  • DOA lines (corners of the mouth to the chin)

Dysport Benefits

As you learn more about Dysport, you’ll discover the many ways this injectable can enhance your aesthetics, your confidence, and even your general health.

Aesthetic Benefits

Dysport reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face. The aesthetic benefits of Dysport injections include:

Botox Alternative

For long-term recipients of Botox injections, the efficacy of the treatment can wane as a person’s body builds up resistance. Dysport provides a terrific alternative to Botox, allowing users to continue their aesthetic support regimen.

Related topic: Discover Botox in Port Charlotte, FL.


That’s where your Florida Lakes Spa injector truly excels at achieving the look you want. We place our Dysport injections with artful accuracy in both dosage and location. The natural-looking results soften (or eliminate) wrinkles without completely freezing facial expressions.


Unlike surgical procedures like facelifts and forehead lifts, Dysport injections provide noninvasive and nonsurgical solutions. The treatment offers minimal discomfort and no downtime, with no need for bandages, long healing times, or scarring.

Quick Procedure

The injections are usually quick, with injection sessions often taking only 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area and prevalence of the lines and wrinkles. Often, we can do the first injection session immediately after the consultation.

Gradual Improvement

While results vary, many people notice improvements within a few days to a week after treatment, with effects lasting several months. Because we don’t over-inject, the results appear at a more natural pace for a youthful, healthy look that doesn’t have that “work done” appearance.

Confidence Builder

By reducing the appearance of wrinkles, Dysport in Port Charlotte helps women and men rejuvenate their appearance so that it reflects how they feel inside. It’s time you look in the mirror and love what you see.

Smiling face of a Florida Lakes Spa provider after a client has decided to have Dysport in Port Charlotte, FL


Medical Benefits

Along with aesthetic improvements offered by Dysport in Port Charlotte, FL, there are medical benefits that can help patients live with more confidence and better health.

Muscle Spasms/Dystonia

Dysport is approved for the treatment of muscle spasms (spasticity) and dystonia. It can help relax muscles and reduce spasms, improving mobility and reducing pain associated with conditions such as cervical dystonia (spasmodic torticollis), blepharospasm (eye twitching), and limb spasticity.


Dysport injections can be used to treat severe primary axillary hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating in the underarms). If topical treatments don’t accomplish relief, neurotoxin injections can provide results by temporarily blocking the nerves responsible for activating the sweat glands.


In 2010, the FDA approved the use of neurotoxins for the prevention of chronic migraines in adults. At Florida Lakes Spa, our team will inject your Dysport in Port Charlotte into specific areas of the head and neck. This can help prevent headaches in individuals who experience 15 or more headache days per month, with each headache lasting 4 hours or more.

Spastic Bladder

Dysport has been studied for the treatment of spastic or overactive bladder (OAB) when other treatments prove ineffective. It works by relaxing the bladder muscles, reducing urinary urgency and frequency.

Strabismus (Crossed Eyes)

By relaxing specific eye muscles, Dysport can help align the eyes properly, improving vision and cosmetic appearance of those affected by strabismus.

Facial Asymmetry

In some medical conditions like facial nerve disorders (e.g., Bell’s palsy), Dysport injections may be used to help restore facial symmetry by relaxing overactive facial muscles and reducing involuntary movements.

Our Dysport Process

When you come into Florida Lakes Spa to consider Dysport in Port Charlotte, our process ensures that it’s the right treatment delivered in the right way.


Your first step involves a personal, one-on-one consultation with your Florida Lakes provider. We’ll talk about the wrinkles and lines that are bothering you, do a visual examination of your facial skin, and discuss your medical history. If Dysport proves to be the best treatment to give you the results you need, we’ll either schedule an appointment or, if time allows, proceed with the injections.


Your injector will study your facial expressions, having you make several to determine which are causing the dynamic lines and wrinkles to form and/or worsen. Use a washable marker, they’ll demarcate their prime injection points. They’ll apply a numbing cream to minimize any potential discomfort. Finally, using a very small needle, they will carefully inject the Dysport into the treatment area(s).


There is no downtime or need for recovery time, so you can get back to your normal activities. If any side effects occur, they’re usually quite mild and temporary, involving some redness or swelling.

Dysport Preparation and Aftercare

We recommend these preparatory and post-treatment measures to make the most out of your treatment.

What to Do Before Dysport

Avoid Blood Thinners

Medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can increase the risk of bruising and swelling after injection. If possible, you should stop taking these drugs for 7 days before your appointment. This includes supplements like vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, St. John’s wort, and omega 3/fish oil supplements.

Refrain From Alcohol

Alcohol can thin the blood and increase the risk of bruising, so you should avoid consuming alcoholic beverages at least 24 hours prior to treatment.

Stop Smoking

Smoking can disrupt the healing process, so you should stop smoking tobacco at least one week before your session. For your skin’s health (and your whole body), we recommend permanently stopping smoking.

Wear Comfortable Clothes

Loose-fitting clothes can help you feel more relaxed during treatment, including a loose shirt so it doesn’t press down on the injection site when later removed.

Eat Greens

Enjoy more greens in your diet to increase the amount of naturally sourced vitamin K in your system. This often helps reduce any possible swelling and bruising.

Cheerful middle aged woman looking in mirror admiring her skin after having Dysport in Port Charlotte, FL

What to Do After Dysport

Avoid Facials/Massages

Your face will be sensitive following Dysport in Port Charlotte. Avoid any facial massage, laser, or other facial treatments for 3 days. Don’t wear hats or headbands if you have any injections in your forehead or eyebrows.

Refrain From Strenuous Activities

Dysport doesn’t require downtime, but you should refrain from strenuous exercise for the first 24 hours following treatment.

Avoid Hot Tubs/Saunas

You should avoid hot tubs, hot showers, saunas, and tanning beds for 24 hours following your injections. Heat can irritate the injected tissues and cause increased swelling and/or bruising at the injection sites.

Stay Upright

Remain upright for 4 hours after treatment to prevent the solution from dispersing. Also, don’t lean your treatment areas against anything for that time, including pillows.

Don’t Rub/Scratch

Don’t rub or massage the treated areas for 4 hours, and don’t scratch at the injection sites.

Make the Call to Kiss Wrinkles Goodbye

Schedule a consultation at Florida Lakes Spa, and discover the wrinkle-erasing power of Dysport. It reduces current wrinkles and lines, and prevents new ones from forming. Patients in their 20s to retirees and more use Dysport in Port Charlotte to achieve and maintain a more youthful appearance.

Dysport can also provide relief for other issues. One of our compassionate caregivers will discuss all your goals so that you enjoy the most effective results possible.

About Florida Lakes Spa

Florida Lakes Spa serves Port Charlotte, Wellen Park, North Port, and other communities across the Florida Lakes region with advanced procedures and state-of-the-art technologies.

Contact us or call 941.777.7772 to learn more.

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