Facials Near Port Charlotte, FL

The Best Facial Treatments for the Florida Lakes Lifestyle | Florida Lakes Spa

A woman by a lake using her hands to frame her face after having one of our facials near Port Charlotte, FL

Let’s be honest here: who doesn’t love a great facial? It’s an opportunity to take a break from everyday stresses and worries. You get to enjoy a moment to decompress and focus on your own well-being. In the meantime, your skin receives personal attention, massaging rubs, and special treatments that will make it feel wonderful and show off a youthful glow.

Our facials near Port Charlotte, FL, do all of that and more. Sure, it can feel like pampering—but with a clear purpose. At Florida Lakes Spa, our team cleanses pores to stop bacterial growth. We address hyperpigmentation and scarring. We help address signs of aging, and more.

Book an appointment today for the best facial treatments that deliver clear and radiant results.

Dermaplaning for Glowing Skin

Every day, your skin creates and collects natural debris. These cellular and glandular secretions and particles collect on the skin and in pores. They make skin look dull and can cause pimples and acne.

Think about a nice, warm day out playing tennis, swinging a golf club, or going boating. Your skin sweats, natural oils appear, and both of these can make dead skin cells, environmental pollutants, and even microorganisms stick to your skin. Yes, “ewww” is an appropriate reaction.

Hair also grows, sometimes in facial areas you don’t want it to. That can cause self-image issues, along with problems when applying makeup.

The debris builds up on the outermost layer of the skin, which can make your skin look tired and dull. It can also exacerbate acne issues and give bacteria a home.

Dermaplaning Reveals Healthy Skin

One of the best solutions is to just scrape away the outer layer, getting rid of all the dead skin cells and debris to expose a renewed, beautiful complexion! At Florida Lakes Spa, we use dermaplaning for this gentle exfoliation to revitalize your skin.

Issues Dermaplaning Helps to Address

  • Dead and damaged skin cells
  • Acne scarring
  • Skin texture
  • Dull or dry skin
  • Peach fuzz
  • Sun damage
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Prep for other treatment

Dermaplaning Details

  • Number of Treatments: 1
  • Appointment Length: 15 to 30 minutes
  • Downtime: None
  • Anesthetic: None
  • Results Duration: 4 to 6 weeks

How Dermaplaning Works

Dermaplaning facials near Port Charlotte involve using a slender surgical blade to very gently skim off the top layer of the skin. This removes the debris that has accumulated, and it does a superior job of removing the appearance of fine vellus hairs, aka “peach fuzz.”

Step 1

You can schedule dermaplaning without a consultation, but we highly recommend one so that our team of skin specialists can examine your skin and determine the best course of action. If dermaplaning best suits your needs, we can make it part of your personal treatment plan and schedule your appointment.

Step 2

Your Florida Lakes Spa provider starts by using a mild cleanser and water to soothingly wash away residual oils and environmental detritus. Most of our patients say it feels like a refreshing massage.

Step 3

A toner will be gently massaged into the treatment area. This helps prepare the skin for the dermaplaning blade.

Step 4

Your provider uses a sterilized dermaplaning blade, sometimes called dermatome blade, and slowly scrapes it across the skin at a 45-degree angle. The blade looks similar to a scalpel, and it removes the upper layer of dead skin cells.

This painless process also reduces scar tissue and unclogs pores. Dermaplaning removes fine vellus hair (peach fuzz) at a deeper level than common shaving.

Step 5

When the dermaplaning is done, your provider applies a skin-soothing product and sunscreen for nourishment and protection.

In the end, dermaplaning facials near Port Charlotte encourage new skin production for a look that is clear, smooth, and radiant. The bonus: your makeup will go on smoother, requiring less of it to achieve your desired aesthetic.

Related topic: the Top Facials in Englewood, FL.

How long will dermaplaning results last?

Your skin undergoes a constant growth cycle, creating new cells as old ones die. Because dead skin cells can remain on the outer layer of skin, results usually last for 4 to 6 weeks before the growth cycle has started to dull the tone of your skin. Also around this time, debris has gathered again, clogging pores and diminishing your skin’s healthy appearance.

We recommend dermaplaning facials near Port Charlotte every 4 to 6 weeks for best continued results.

Dermaplaning as Prep for Other Treatments

Dermaplaning is an ideal service to combine with treatments like facials. When the debris and dead skin cells have been removed and pores are cleared, serums and products will absorb directly and more deeply into your healthy skin for even better results!

Screen from a DiamondGlow machine representing one of the Facials Near Port Charlotte, FL


DiamondGlow® Facial for Glowing, Brilliant Skin

Diamonds really are a woman’s best friend with DiamondGlow facials near Port Charlotte! This advanced facial treatment provides 3-fold benefits:


The DiamondGlow wand includes a rotating tip encrusted with diamonds. As the tip spins, it exfoliates with precision, removing the top layer of dead skin.


Florida Lakes Spa uses diamond tips with different abrasion depths that can remove what’s clogging your pores. This is combined with the DiamondGlow system’s high-power suction, removing dirt and debris not only from the surface, but also from deeper in the pores.


DiamondGlow facials use amazing SkinMedica® Pro-Infusion serums. These penetrate down to the dermal-epidermal level. Exfoliation and extraction opens pores, making them more receptive and delivering clinically proven, longer-lasting results.

When your DiamondGlow facial is done, your skin will glow, and the nourishing serums plump the skin for better volume, increased hydration, and smoother texture.

Concerns Treated by a DiamondGlow Facial

  • Uneven skin texture
  • Loose skin
  • Dryness
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Acne scars
  • Age spots
  • Clogged pores
  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles

DiamondGlow Details

  • Number of Treatments: 1 to 2 per month
  • Appointment Length: 30 minutes
  • Downtime: None
  • Anesthetic: None
  • Results Duration: 4 to 8 weeks

Does a DiamondGlow facial hurt?

No, DiamondGlow doesn’t hurt. Some patients may experience very mild discomfort during the exfoliation phase, but it is quite tolerable. Most patients find this gentle-yet-effective facial to be a soothing and relaxing experience.

Aftercare for a DiamondGlow Facial

One of the great benefits of a DiamondGlow facial at Florida Lakes Spa is that there’s no downtime! You can get back to your regular activities directly afterwards.You might experience some slight redness or swelling for a few hours, but that will quickly resolve.

We do have some recommendations that will help you get the most out of your facial results.

  • Avoid direct sunlight and excessive heat for 1 week.
  • Refrain from immersing in hot water and swimming for 2 days.
  • Don’t engage in strenuous activities for 2 days.
  • No exfoliating for 7 days.
  • Avoid using topical products containing retinoids, vitamin A, and AHAs for 3 days.
  • Feel free to apply makeup as you wish.
  • Schedule your next appointment so that you can keep that glow going!

Spa Facials & Extractions

At Florida Lakes Spa, we offer the highest-quality skincare so that you can feel good and look great! We recognize that no two patients are alike, and their facial treatments need to match their unique needs and concerns.

Middle-aged woman in bathrobe looking at mirror in bathroom ater having one of our facials near Port Charlotte, FL


Our team of care professionals can customize spa facials and extractions to address your skin’s every need. During your consultation, we can create a personalized plan that takes your skin from A to “Gee, you look fantastic!”

Though the exact steps will vary according to patient goals and skin type/condition, our custom facials usually include gentle cleansing and exfoliation, purifying extractions and masques, and hydrating lotions and serums.

How Extractions Work

An extraction involves cleansing pores of the buildup of debris, sebum, and oil. We normally perform extractions to clear your skin and help skincare products absorb better. This can address issues such as pimples and acne while also helping pores appear smaller and tighter.

Skin Issues Often Addressed

  • Clogged pores
  • Blackheads
  • Acne
  • Acne scars
  • Dull or dry skin
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Skin laxity
  • Uneven texture or tone
  • Oily skin

Facial and Extraction Details

  • Number of Treatments: 1 per month
  • Appointment Length: Varies
  • Downtime: None
  • Anesthetic: None
  • Results Duration: 4 to 8 weeks

About Acne

For acne-prone skin, we make a key difference by avoiding much of the massage that comes with a facial. Massaging acne-prone skin spreads bacteria that leads to an acne outbreak.

As part of custom facials near Port Charlotte, our providers may recommend using:

We may also alter the serums used so that they not only nourish your skin but help it fight acne for continued improved results.

Custom Facials for Anti-Aging

An anti-aging facial at Florida Lakes uses specific massage techniques to lift and tighten the skin during the course of the facial.

We may also utilize our microcurrent device to lift and tighten skin. The exfoliation removes the tired, dull, dead top layer to expose the new, refreshed layer below. You’ll see fewer wrinkles and lines, plumper and smoother texture, and that youthful “glow.”

Addressing Oily Skin

Facials help to cleanse the extra oils and sebum from skin for a cleaner, less shiny skin tone. No specific facial addresses oily skin longer-term. Because of that, after the cleansing, exfoliation, and nourishing serums, we would recommend applying mattifying products for the best results.

These specialized cosmetics reduce the shine and oiliness of facial skin. Your provider will be happy to point you to our in-house, medical-grade products. We can also discuss over-the-counter products that will help.

Chemical Peels

Sometimes your facial skin issues may be more resistant to treatment, your treatment may have to “kick it up a notch” to be effective.

A young woman with a brush to her forehead undergoing facials near Port Charlotte, FL

Chemical peels are our most aggressive type of facial. They also deliver longer-lasting results. The peel depth determines the results duration.

  • Light: More consistent use is required. Results can last 1 to 3 months when properly maintained and supported.
  • Medium: Results can last 3 to 6 months when properly maintained and supported.
  • Heavy: Results can last 6 to 12 months when properly maintained and supported.

Picking the Right Chemical Peel

For chemical peels, a consultation is mandatory. We will discuss your concerns, your goals, your medical skin history, and we’ll examine your facial skin.

Generally, we perform light or medium peels for superficial to moderate skin concerns. These can include fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, dry skin, and acne and acne scarring.

We reserve deep chemical peel facials near Port Charlotte for severe skin concerns, which can include skin discoloration, freckles, precancerous actinic keratosis, deeper acne scars, and more pronounced lines and wrinkles.

A chemical peel is a tried-and-true treatment to help peel back damaged layers of facial skin. This intense exfoliation encourages your body to create new, smoother skin. From the depth of the peel to the steps taken throughout the process, we can customize them to suit your exact needs.

Concerns Treated by Chemical Peels

  • Dull and dry skin
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Acne scars
  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Sun spots
  • Uneven skin tone and texture

Chemical Peel Details

  • Number of Treatments: Varies
  • Appointment Length: 30 minutes to 2 hours
  • Downtime: Yes
  • Anesthetic: Yes
  • Results Duration: Varies

The Chemical Peel Process

At your appointment, our provider will first clean your skin with a gentle cleanser. It’s usually applied in the manner of a soothing massage.

When your skin has been cleansed and blotted dry, we’ll apply a chemical solution to your face. This solution remains for a specified duration, up to several minutes, to achieve the appropriate peel depth. When time is up, our provider gently removes the excess solution and applies a neutralizer to stop the solution’s action.

The discomfort level involved with a chemical peel depends on its intensity. For a light or medium peel, most patients experience a stinging/tingling sensation as the solution reacts with their skin. Patients having a deep peel require sedation and anesthetic before beginning treatment.

What to Expect After Having a Chemical Peel

The release of the affected layer of skin from chemical peel facials near Port Charlotte comes in stages.

Stage 1: Tightness and Itchiness

Shortly after your chemical peel ,your skin may begin to feel tight and itchy. It’s important that you do not scratch or pick at your skin during this stage. You may apply some creams or ointments to help; our provider will discuss this with you before you leave.

Stage 2: Peeling Begins

After 2 to 5 days have passed, you can expect to begin seeing your skin peel around the mouth. The time it takes to start peeling and the area it begins varies from patient to patient. However, a person’s mouth is in motion much of the time for talking, eating, and drinking, so this active area generally peels first.

The peeling itself may happen as a flaking of the skin layer, or it may come off in sheets. This depends on the skin damage and moisture level. Peeling typically continues for 7 to 10 days after it starts. It’s important to not tug at the peeling skin or exfoliate it in any way. It must be left to naturally come off as part of your body’s healing process.

Stage 3: Recovery

You can expect some degree of downtime after your chemical peel, depending on the type of chemical peel you get.

We’ll give you a soothing gel to apply to your skin while it heals. You should also avoid the sun or irritating skin products so that you don’t damage your fresh, healing skin.

Light peels may need only a few days of recovery, while medium peels usually need 1 to 2 weeks of recovery. Deep peels may require several weeks to heal because of the treatment’s intensity.

Products to Support Your Facial Results

Patients love the results of their facials near Port Charlotte! To keep the love going, we offer top-quality, medical-grade products in our spa, including these exclusive brands:

Our team is happy to help guide you to the products that will best support your facial and achieve your aesthetic goals.

We can also discuss the over-the-counter products you enjoy and help you determine which are best for your post-facial support. Typically, we recommend products that contain hyaluronic acid serum, vitamin C, a retinol, and moisturizers.

Discover the Best Facial Treatments for You

Our facials near Port Charlotte offer results that make you glow with youthful vigor while addressing specific concerns. Pampering? You’ll feel it. Results? You’ll have them. Book a consultation to talk about what you want to accomplish. We’ll help you find the medical-grade aesthetic services that make you love the skin you’re in.

About Florida Lakes Spa

Florida Lakes Spa is proud to serve Port Charlotte, Wellen Park, North Port, and other communities across the Florida Lakes region. Patients of all ages come to us for leading-edge procedures and high-quality aesthetic care. Contact us or call 941.777.7772 to learn more.

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